Sunday, June 24, 2012

Understanding UNIX Shell Scripts Part -2

Expansion and substitution takes place in the following sequence:

1.    Brace expansion
2.    Tilde expansion
3.    Parameter expansion
4.    Command expansion
5.    Arithmetic substitution
6.    Word splitting
7.    Pathname substitution

Brace expansion:
In brace expansion, the shell looks for braces ({}) – also called curly brackets – in the token. If braces are present, it expands their contents.

For Eg:
The token b{all, ook} expands into
 ball book

Tilde expansion:
The shell looks for tildes (~) in the token. If a tilde is present, it replaces the tilde with the location of the current user’s home directory.

For Eg:
Depending on the system configuration, the token ~che/file2 might expand into
Parameter substitution:
In parameter substitution, the shell checks whether the token is variable name preceded by a dollar sign ($). If it is, the shell replaces the token with the current value of corresponding variable.

For Eg:
If the value of the SHELL parameter is /bin/bash, the token $SHELL is replaced with /bin/bash.

Command substitution:
In command substitution, the shell checks whether the token is a command enclosed in brackets and preceded by a dollar sign ($). If it is, the shell processes the command and replaces the token with the command’s output.

For Eg:
The token $(type username) might be replaced with che.

Arithmetic substitution:
In arithmetic substitution, the shell checks whether the token is an arithmetic expression enclosed in double brackets and preceded by a dollar sign.  If it is, the shell evaluates the expression and replaces the token with the result.

For Eg:
The replaces the token $(72/9) with 8.

Word splitting:
In word splitting, the shell examines those parts of the command line that have resulted from previous stages of expansion and substitution.  If any of these contain spaces or special characters, it splits them into tokens for processing.

Pathname substitution:
In pathname substitution, the shells look for wildcard characters in the token. If it finds asterisks (*), question marks (?), or double slashes(//), it searches the current directory for filenames that match these wildcards and substitutes them for the token.

For Eg:
Depending on the files in the current directory, the token f*.txt might expand into fat.txt, fund.txt, fight.txt.